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Can Pawn Kill King In Chess

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by Satish
Hi friend,
my friend and me were playing chess. I (white) have given a check to my friend with the rook (white). The rook is protected by a pawn.

One of the most common ways to end a chess game is by checkmate.

  • Believe it or not, a pawn can checkmate or kill a King, especially when the player made many mistakes, and the King is forced to move towards the opponent's side. When that happens, many chess pieces can check the King, and one of them is your Pawn.
  • Can a Pawn checkmate or kill the King in chess? Believe it or not, a pawn can checkmate or kill a King, especially when the player made many mistakes, and the King is forced to move towards the opponent's side. When that happens, many chess pieces can check the King, and one of them is your Pawn. Of course, the Pawn must be supported or protected by another chess piece so that the King won't kill the.

If I move the g-pawn then it is check from opponents rook to me.
My friend killed my rook and saying that you cannot kill my king because it is again check to you.
This scenario I show in attached picture.

Is it right?
1) Can black king kill the white rook in this situation?
2) Is this a draw or win? Who is the winner?

Can Pawns Kill Kings In Chess


plz give me the answer?

Hi Satish,
the answer is simple.

A king can't capture a piece that is protected.

In this position the black king can't capture the rook because the white rook is protected by the g-pawn. That's it!

White is the winner because Black is checkmate.

I hope this helps.

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plz give me the answer?

Hi Satish,
the answer is simple.

A king can't capture a piece that is protected.

In this position the black king can't capture the rook because the white rook is protected by the g-pawn. That's it!

White is the winner because Black is checkmate.

I hope this helps.

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Can A Pawn Kill The King

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